
Learning Pathways
Learning Pathways
Our College is based at Walker Terrace, in the centre of Gateshead. All learners will access local workplace environments, entertainment and leisure facilities all within Gateshead Centre. They will also access Gateshead College campuses at the Baltic site, Academy for Sport and Skills Academy. Our central location will allow access to a range of different environments and create situations for learners to meet new people and develop new independence, employability skills and social skills.
We provide three routes, or curriculum pathways, for our post 16 provision. Students choose a route depending on interest and need. Some students will move across routes according to their own individualised learning plan. Individual timetables across all programmes are entirely bespoke/ individualised to the learner depending upon their needs and aspirations.
The three curriculum routes are Routes to Employment Pathways 1, 2 or 3.
Details of each route are given below:

Routes to Employment Pathway 1: Pre-entry Level - Entry 2
Learners will study:​
Arts Award EXPLORE
Entry Level Art and Design
Entry Level Award in English/ Maths skills
Skills for independence and work
Introduction to travel safety
Special Olympics
Exit routes:
Independent supported living,
supported employment or internship
Volunteering opportunities
Own business
Routes to Employment Pathway 2: Entry Level 3 - Level 1
Leaners will study:​
Arts Award Bronze
Functional Skills, English, Maths
BTEC Workskills
Volunteering/ Leadership/ DofE
Exit routes:
Supported internship/ employment
Paid employment
Volunteering opportunities
Own business

Routes to Employment Pathway 3: Level 1 - Level 3
Learners will study:​
Functional skills English, Maths
OR GCSE English, Maths & Science
BTEC Workskills
Other GCSE routes, eg History, Business or Digital Media
Volunteering/ Leadership/ DofE
Personal and Social Development
Where appropriate learners will be able to access A Level study also
Exit routes:
FE study
HE study
Paid employment
Supported internship
Own business
Work Experience
Access to Work Experience for all students
All students will participate in work experience throughout the course of the academic year as opportunities present themselves. All students will participate in social enterprise and assist in the running of a business to gain invaluable transferable employability skills.
Partnership Arrangements
Post 16 learners have access to a range of different opportunities through the successful development of partnerships with community groups and organisations within the local community.
Many of our successful supported work experience placements have arisen from a partnership with Voiceworks; a project funded by the local authority. These opportunities for the learners have only become possible through successful partnership arrangements.